Erin's trusted integrative wellness clinic since 1983
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This ancient therapy stimulates neural junctions (acu-points) with needles to improve nervous system function and address multiple conditions.
Intolerances and allergies can be identified by introducing electromagnetic signatures (unique to all organic materials) to your nervous system.
Chiropractic treatment promotes overall neural function through postural manipulations, correcting nerve compressions.
Using the visual analysis of live blood cells, Live Cell Microscopy can find blood deficiencies and help determine individual dietary needs.
A non-invasive way of assessing your hormone status and balancing needs. Proven as the most reliable medium for measuring hormone levels.
The sauna uses penetrating heat to reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation. It affects the body on a systemic level to maintain overall health.
Therapeutic medical lasers send billions of photons (light particles) deep into injured tissue structures to stimulate your body's healing process.
Massage Therapy is the manipulation of muscles and bones to treat your aches and pains, injuries, chronic conditions and stress.
With a holistic nutritionist you can get to the root cause of your health issues and treat them naturally with food and organic supplements.
Mineral and Metal Tissue Analysis is a screening tool and preventative measure providing insight into your body's functioning.
Custom inserts and shoes to fit your individual foot support needs. This improves mechanical function and stops the progress of postural imbalances.
Using a wholistic approach to affect the body's nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems, osteopathy treats the musculoskeletal framework.