Darkfield Phase Contrast Blood Analysis
(Live Bloodcell Microscopy)
What is it?
Darkfield Phase Contrast Blood Analysis (also known as Live Bloodcell Microscopy or Analysis) is a simple procedure to have a quick and accurate assessment of over 25 aspects of your live blood. The test can see things like multiple vitamin and mineral deficiencies, toxicity, tendencies toward allergic reaction, excess fat circulation, liver weakness, and arteriosclerosis.
The test is done by painlessly placing a drop of blood from the patient’s fingertip on a microscope slide under a glass coverslip to keep it from drying out. The slide is then magnified by 30,000 times with a dark-field microscope that forwards the image to a monitor.
Both practitioner and patient can then see the blood cells right away, and live on the screen, which appear as dark bodies outlined in white. In real-time, the practitioner will analyze the patient's blood and explain what they are looking at and what it means, for 15-20 minutes while the blood sample is still active.
During the session, the practitioner will make recommendations for diet and supplements (if necessary) to address the patient's needs and provide the patient with documentation of any recommendations and findings.
Repeat testing is recommended to ensure that the patient can monitor the effectiveness of their treatment, and literally see for themselves if it is working. We always say, "the blood does not lie!" since it is the pathway to the flesh and tells all.
Most users of this test are chiropractors, naturopaths, and nutrition consultants. It is an increasingly more popular alternative way of analyzing blood because a person gets to see how their blood is really behaving inside their veins.
Why does our blood matter?
Your blood carries the life force of your body and it is the river of life pulsing nutrients to the cells and carrying away waste products to be dealt with by the liver and eliminated. Every cell of your body depends on nutrients and oxygen from the blood.
How is it different than a conventional blood test?
Live Blood Microscopy provides specific information about your health that is not available via the usual pathology blood test. The conventional blood test given by the doctor’s surgery or hospital has disadvantages. Half an hour after the cells are taken from the body, the cells are dead. Therefore, they cannot reveal information that live blood analysis can, such as immune system activity. Live Blood Microscopy among many benefits also allows for assessing the health and vitality of the immune system based on the type, health of cells, and a number of white and red blood cells. When examining blood under a microscope, the inter-relationship of body systems contributing to the condition of the blood and the health of a patient becomes evident.
Unlike conventional tests where venous blood is viewed many hours later after centrifuging and staining procedures, Live Cell Microscopy uses one drop of live blood taken from a fingertip puncture and then views it immediately under the microscope. With the aid of advanced video equipment high magnification and phase contrast lenses, technicians and clients can now see much more than could possibly be seen before. The live blood thus acts as an “educational feedback mechanism” motivating people to improve their diet, supplement, and lifestyle habits.
What can blood cell microscopy tell me about my health?
Live Blood Cell Microscopy looks at the quality and condition of the cells, whereas standard laboratory blood tests are generally quantitative. This test is a preventative tool that can indicate imbalances in the body, the presence of metabolic by-products, pathogenic microorganisms, and the pH of the blood terrain. Many of these imbalances can be rectified by improvements in diet, lifestyle, and stress management. Improvements and changes are monitored by viewing the blood every few months and act as a powerful motivator to continue on one’s wellness plan. In Germany today, it remains the preferred method of viewing the blood.
Fasting for 8 hours is required for all live-cell tests.
Live blood cell analysis reveals distortions within red blood cells that can reflect your nutritional status. Low levels of iron, protein, vitamin B12, folic acid, and fatty acids can be seen. Incomplete or delayed digestion of fats and proteins can also be observed. Signs of liver stress, yeast, parasites, and hormonal imbalances can also be detected.
The live blood thus acts as an educational “feedback mechanism”, motivating people to improve their diet. With the addition of nutritional supplements, positive changes in the structure of the blood cells can be reviled as improved nutrition impacts the blood. The ultimate purpose is to modify and improve sub-optimal dietary and nutritional patterns before serious illness arises
Live blood cells can show:
Free radical cellular damage
Atherosclerotic plaque
Candida / yeast / fungus
Digestive enzyme & hydrochloric acid
Hormonal imbalance
Folic acid & B12 deficiencies
Iron deficiency
Uric acid crystals & risk for gout
Toxic heavy metals
Poor circulation
Cell size & shape abnormalities due to immune system disorders
Organ stress & toxicity
Does this test diagnose disease?
Today, Live Blood Cell Microscopy is not used as a diagnostic procedure for any specific disease. It is best used to help determine the optimal diet and food supplements for anyone interested in improving their health and preventing disease.
What do I need to do to prepare for the test?
A 5-hour fast is required before all Live Blood Cell Tests, including coffee. This includes all vitamins and supplements. 48-hours free of antihistamines. Plain water is allowed before the test. Medications should always be taken as prescribed by your medical doctor. If your medication needs to be taken with food, you can bring your food with you and take it right after the test begins.
What does it look like?
Normal Blood

Erythrocyte Agg.


Protein Linkage


Target Cell






Poikilocytes - Free Radical Damage


Thrombocyte Agg.


Uric Acid Crystals

Red Crystals


Cholesterol Crystals

Neutrophil Variability



H.S. Neutrophils




Rod Forms



Fungal Forms Candida
